How to upgrade the Network Module to the latest version
What's new
- Log4j upgraded to 2.17.2
- PostgreSQL upgraded to 10.20
- JRE version upgraded to Zulu
Why you should upgrade your Network Module
The latest Network Module version has code-level enhancements that improve security and restrict vulnerabilities. With this release, users who have installed the older versions can opt to upgrade to the latest version for enhanced security.
How to verify if the Network Module needs an upgrade
- Log in to Site24x7.
- Navigate to Admin > On-Premise Poller.
- For the On-Premise Poller you are using, check if the Upgrade Available status is displayed in the Network Module column, as shown in Fig. 1 (marked as 1). If not, your Network Module is already up to date. If Upgrade Available is displayed, you can proceed with the next set of instructions to upgrade the network module.

Figure 1. Upgrade Available for the Network Module.
Prerequisites to upgrade the Network Module
- The On-Premise Poller should be upgraded to the latest version (5.4.0 or above).
- The On-Premise Poller should be up and running.
- System requirements: Free RAM: 2GB; Free disk space: 2GB
Steps to automatically upgrade the Network Module
Click the
hamburger icon

beside the On-Premise Poller that requires an upgrade as shown in
Fig. 1 (marked as 2).
Then, click Upgrade Network Module (Fig. 2). The Upgrade Network Module pop-up will open.
Figure 2. Upgrading the Network Module. Click the
Initiate Upgrade button (Fig 3). The Network Module will start downloading.
Figure 3. Clicking the Initiate Upgrade button.- Once the file is downloaded to the directory where the On-Premise Poller is installed, a check is initiated to validate if the required disk space and memory are available on the system. If the system requirements match, you will have minimum downtime during migration.
- Next, the devices associated with the older version of the Network Module are synchronized with the latest downloaded version.
- Finally, migration is initiated. Here, the older version of the Network Module is stopped, and data collection starts on the newly installed version.
Figure 4. Upgrade completed successfully.
Steps to manually upgrade the Network Module
- Upgrade the On-Premise Poller to the latest version.
- Stop the On-Premise Poller.
- Verify and end existing On-Premise Poller processes.
- Navigate to the directory where the On-Premise Poller is installed.
- Rename the NetworkPlus folder to NetworkPlus_old. Manually download the latest Network Module. Synchronization will begin after the download is completed. However, downtime will be higher as compared to the automatic upgrade process.
Troubleshooting tips
- If you face any issues while downloading the Network Module, even after repeated tries, manually download the Network Module by following these steps:
- Download the Network Module.
- Navigate to the directory where the On-Premise Poller is installed and navigate to Site24x7OnPremisePoller/bin/network/. Then, run the getNetworkModuleDir.bat or file.
- If the output is NetworkPlus, extract the zip file and rename the NetworkPlus folder to NetworkPlus_1 (marked as 1 in Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Renaming the NetworkPlus folder. - Otherwise, if the output of the above script is NetworkPlus_<any number>, extract the zip file and rename NetworkPlus to NetworkPlus_<existing number + 1>. For example, if the output is NetworkPlus_1, rename the extracted NetworkPlus folder to NetworkPlus_2.
- Move the downloaded Network Module to the directory where the On-Premise Poller is installed.
- Then, click Retry on the Upgrade Network Module page on Site24x7. It will detect the downloaded file and initiate migration.
Figure 6. Download failed.
- If disk space and memory validation fail, you will see a pop-up stating the amount of downtime required for the migration. In this case, you can ensure the system requirements match, if required, or you can click Proceed Anyway, which will result in more extended downtime, as mentioned in the pop-up (Figure 7).
Figure 7. System Requirements failed. - If Synchronization fails for some devices, then those devices may not be reachable or would have faced SNMP issues at that time. As a solution, please ensure that all the devices are reachable from the system where the On-Premise Poller is installed and then retry. If Proceed Anyway is clicked in this step, all the devices that were not added before will also be added once they are reachable.
Figure 8. Synchronization failed. If Migration fails, try it once again. If it fails after the second try, restart the On-Premise Poller and try again.
You will no longer see the Upgrade Available option if the Network Module has been upgraded to the latest version.
Figure 9. Migration failed.

If you still face issues or if your issue is not listed here, please get in touch with our support team at with the following details:
- Name of the On-Premise Poller
- Logs from the following directory:
- Site24x7OnPremisePoller\logs