How to retrieve logs from different Site24x7 monitors

How to retrieve logs from different Site24x7 monitors

The log location varies with different agents and monitors. View a consolidated list here:

Site24x7 Server Monitoring agent

Monitor or module
Directory, path, or command
Detailed reference
Server Monitoring Agent
Installation directory > Site24x7 > WinAgent > Monitoring > Logs
Server Monitoring Agent

cd /opt/site24x7/monagent/logs
cd /opt/site24x7/monagent/logs

cd /opt/site24x7/monagent/logs$ cd details/

cd /opt/site24x7/monagent/logs/details$ ls

On-Premise Poller 
Monitor or module
Directory, path, or command
Detailed reference
On-Premise Poller
C:\Program Files(x86)\Site24x7OnPremisePoller\logs
On-Premise Poller
Network Monitoring
C:\Program Files(x86)\Site24x7OnPremisePoller\NetworkPlus\logs 
Network Monitoring

APM Insight agents

Directory or path
The same directory where you've placed the JAR agent file
Ruby on Rails
Created inside the apminsightdata folder
Linux: /opt/zpa/logs

Windows (32-bit): C:\Program Files\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\logs

Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\logs
Linux: /opt/S247DataExporter/logs

Windows (32-bit): C:\Program Files\S247DataExporter\logs

Windows (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\S247DataExporter\logs

For more details, refer to this KB article

This document lists the paths for the latest versions of the agents. Refer to the specified KB articles for the older versions.

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