Access MSP customer portal via rebranded URL and CNAME mapping

MSP customer portal access via a custom rebranded URL and CNAME mapping

Although you use Site24x7 for providing managed monitoring services to your customers, you might want to bring in some branding to boost your business reputation. With the custom URL option in MSP Account, your customers can easily view their monitor reports by simply accessing the rebranded custom portal URL provided to them. However, to enable access to the rebranded Monitoring Control Panel––you must first invite your end-customer and add him/her as a sub-user in the customer account.
To setup the rebranded Monitoring Control Panel , your custom domain must be mapped to Site24x7's domain "" (This must be "" for customers accessing services from Europe Data Center) by adding a CNAME record in your DNS zone file. Follow the steps below to quickly add a CNAME record in your DNS host: 

  1. Log into your domain control panel.
  2. Navigate to the section which states DNS or Name servers.
  3. Add a new CNAME record; specify the Custom Domain. Please check the below table for mapping details related to Data Centers:

           Saudi Arabia

  4. Enter the TTL (Time to Live) record between 30 mins to one hour; you may also leave this field in its default setting.
  5. Once finished, Save the changes to the DNS records.
The above actions may, however, vary based on your domain registrar. If you're unable to find a way to get this updated in your DNS host, get help from your web administrator.

Note : Further to CNAME mapping, if you want us to install an SSL certificate for your custom domain, please contact . However, this option is only available for a Paid customer.