Isolate MSP customer data

How is MSP customer data isolated from other customer accounts?

Site24x7's Managed Service Provider (MSP) module offers a hosted monitoring solution for MSPs' customer services, which allows the MSPs to benefit from a managed monitoring service through a unified MSP console.
MSP customer data is securely isolated from other customer accounts through a dedicated database. In Site24x7, each customer's data resides in a separate data space, ensuring strict data segregation. MSP customers have unique table structures and are associated with their customer IDs, enabling seamless access to their own data and infrastructure details. Strict access controls are enforced, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access each customer's data.
Site24x7's standard customers are not allowed to access the MSP accounts, guaranteeing the integrity and privacy of MSP data. 

It is important to note that standard Site24x7 users will be unable to access MSP customer details, which ensures the security and confidentiality of MSP data. MSP admins can set Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to specific customers in Site24x7 and specify who can access their data.