How to install the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in a custom namespace

How to install the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in a custom namespace

You can achieve the installation of the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in a custom namespace using two methods:

  1. Installation using a YAML file
  2. Installation using Helm

 1. Installation using a YAML file 

To install the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in your custom namespace using a YAML file, follow the steps below:
  1. Download the site24x7-agent.yaml file and save it in your Cloud Shell or Master Node terminal.

  1. Create the Secret in that namespace using the command below:
    kubectl create secret generic site24x7-agent --from-literal KEY='<device-key>' -n <namespace>
    Replace <device-key> and <namespace> with your device key and namespace.

  1. In the Site24x7 agent YAML file, replace the namespace in the highlighted fields: 

  1. Execute the command below to apply YAML:
    kubectl apply -f site24x7-agent.yaml

  1. By default, kube-state-metrics will be deployed in the kube-system namespace. If necessary, replace the namespace in the highlighted fields in the kube-state-metrics YAML file:

  1. Execute the command below to apply YAML:
    kubectl apply -f site24x7-kube-state-metrics.yaml

You have successfully installed the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in your custom namespace using a YAML file.

2.  Installation using Helm 

To install the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in your custom namespace using Helm, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the site24x7-agent.yaml file and save it in your Cloud Shell or Master Node terminal.

  1. Create the Secret in that namespace using the command below:
    kubectl create secret generic site24x7-agent --from-literal KEY='<device-key>' -n <namespace>
    Replace <device-key> and <namespace> with your device key and namespace.

  1. Use the command below after creating the Secret:
    helm repo add site24x7
    helm repo update
    helm install <Release Name> site24x7/site24x7agent --set kubernetes.namespace=<namespace>
    Replace <Release Name> with a release name of your choice for identifying the Helm chart and replace <namespace> with your namespace.
You have successfully installed the Site24x7 agent DaemonSet in your custom namespace using Helm.