Bundled .NET and .NET Core agents in a single MSI
In APM Insight .NET agent version 6.8.0, the .NET and .NET Core agents have been bundled into a single MSI, enabling unified monitoring of both application types.
Upgrade requirements for .NET Core agent 6.7 and below
If you're using .NET Core agent version 6.7 or below, upgrading via the previous method is no longer supported. To continue monitoring, you must manually download and install the new APM Insight .NET agent MSI.
Post-upgrade changes
- All existing .NET Core configurations will be automatically migrated to the new agent's path.
- The .NET Core application filters will be moved to the APM Insight .NET Edit Configuration tool. This tool allows you to customize both .NET and .NET Core application settings in one place, streamlining configuration and management.
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