Upgrading On-Premise Poller to the latest version

Upgrading On-Premise Poller to the latest version

  • Go to Admin > On-Premise Poller in the Site24x7 web client
  • Click on the name of the On-Premise Poller
  • In the dashboard that opens up, click upgrade to the latest version

  • Confirm it in the pop-up
  • The latest version of the On-Premise Poller will be automatically downloaded and installed. 
The download might require a few minutes to complete based on your internet speed. Once downloaded, the latest version will be installed automatically, and the monitoring will be restarted.
If the upgrade fails, you can also manually upgrade the On-Premise Poller.

Auto-Upgrade On-Premise Poller

The auto-upgrade option lets you automatically upgrade your On-Premise Poller(s).  We initiate the upgrade once when a new On-Premise Poller version is released. If you have atleast one On-Premise Poller in your account, choose to auto-upgrade by following the steps:
  1. Navigate to Admin > On-Premise Poller > On-Premise Pollers.
  2. On the top-right corner of the page, click the settings icon.
  3. Toggle to Yes.

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