Troubleshoot the pymysql module not found error when installing the MySQL plugin

Troubleshoot the "pymysql module not found" error when installing the MySQL plugin

If you're encountering the pymysql module not found error, it likely means that the pymysql Python library is not installed on the server. pymysql is a Python package that provides a way to interact with MySQL databases using Python code and is used by the MySQL monitoring plugin.

Here are some ways to troubleshoot the error:
  1. Ensure that you have downloaded the pymysql zipped folder from our GitHub repository and placed it in the respective plugin folder.
    Note: The pymysql module is bundled with the MySQL monitoring plugin, so you don't need to install it separately.

    For Linux, copy and execute the below command within the mysql_monitoring folder to download the pymysql module from our GitHub repository.
    wget && unzip && rm

    For Windows, download the pymysql zipped folder and place it in the mysql_monitoring folder.

  2. Ensure that you have downloaded the latest MySQL plugin files from our GitHub repository:
Follow the steps in this README file to install the MySQL monitoring plugin.
If the issue persists, reach out to with the name of the plugin and the error.