FAQs on upgrading to TLS version 1.2

FAQs on upgrading to TLS version 1.2

  1. What is TLS?
    TLS is a secure way of client-server data communication. The TLS protocol protects the confidentiality and integrity of the information passed between two systems.
  2. Why migrate to TLS version 1.2?
    As Site24x7 is a SaaS-based product, it is compulsory to upgrade to TLS version 1.2 for higher cipher suite and a more secure communication. Since the earlier versions of TLS (TLS 1.0 and 1.1) pose security issues, we are completely migrating to TLS version 1.2
  3. What will happen if I don't upgrade to the latest version of TLS?
    There will be no data collection and all the monitors will be turned to DOWN status.
  4. How do I know which server monitors use the old version and need an upgrade?
    Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers.
    In the Monitor Status page, click on the filter icon to view servers using TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
  5. How do I update for a Windows server monitoring agent?
    Ensure your Windows agents are upgraded to version 19.0.0 or above. For Windows version 2008 R2, 2012, and Windows 7, follow the steps mentioned in this article. If your Windows server is still in the DOWN state even after a successful upgrade, check out these troubleshooting tips.
  6. Is there a work-around for the Windows server monitoring agent, to enable client-server data communication if TLS 1.2 version is not available?
    Yes, in case you have older versions of TLS installed, please follow the steps mentioned in this article to ensure uninterrupted data collection. This is applicable only for Windows server 2003 and 2008. 
  7. How do I update for a Linux server monitoring agent?
    Ensure your Linux agents (both 64-bit and 32-bit) are upgraded to version 17.3.3 or above.
  8. What is the update process for FreeBSD, Mac (OS X), and ARM Processor?
    Make sure you upgrade your OpenSSL library that supports TLS version 1.2.
  9. Do I need to update my server monitors?
    No, the server monitors need not be updated. Depending on your OS platform,
    - Perform an agent upgrade for Windows and Linux,
    - Upgrade your OpenSSL version for FreeBSD, Mac and ARM Processor
For further queries, drop a mail to support@site24x7.com