Synthetic browser module prerequisite and troubleshooting guide for On-Premise Pollers
This document provides a structured troubleshooting guide for resolving issues encountered during the Synthetic (Browser) Module download process. It covers possible statuses, check-up steps, remedies, and prerequisites to ensure smooth downloads.
Prerequisites for downloads
To ensure a successful download, please verify that the following domains are accessible:
For both Linux and Windows:
(Required for downloading monitoring components)
For Linux only:
(Required for Docker installation and updates)
For Windows only:
(Required for downloading Windows updates and components)
Troubleshooting in Linux
- What service permissions are required for Linux?
The service should install/start/stop on behalf of the root user to get full access. This ensures that all necessary files and services have proper permissions to function correctly.
- Do I need to install Docker before setting up the Synthetic (Browser) Module?
No, you don’t need to install Docker beforehand. The Synthetic (Browser) Module automatically downloads and installs Docker during the setup process. However, if Docker is already installed on your system, you must uninstall it to prevent installation issues. Additionally, permission-related issues on the system may also cause problems. If the Docker package is not available, it will be installed only on Linux systems, not on Windows.
How can I check if Docker is installed?
If Docker is installed on your system, running the following command will display the Docker version:
Expected output:
If Docker is installed, the command will return an output similar to:
Docker version 24.0.5, build ced0996
The command above is applicable only for the OS Ubuntu and Debian.
If Docker is not installed, you may see a command not found error or a similar message.
What should I do if Docker is not installed or multiple versions exist?
Remove all previous Docker versions before proceeding by running:
sudo apt remove -y docker docker-engine containerd runc
sudo yum remove -y docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine
How do I install Docker correctly?
Use the script available at:
Execute the script as a root user to install the necessary Docker version and dependencies.
Troubleshooting in Windows
- What PowerShell requirements must be met for Windows?
PowerShell should be enabled in the user environment, and its path must be set in environmental variables to allow necessary scripts to execute without restrictions.
What permissions are required for Windows installations?
Read and Write permissions must be provided for the On-Premise Poller installed location path /<Site24x7OnPremisePoller>/ to ensure that required files are automatically installed and used for data collection. Without proper Write permissions, the software may fail to install or update components.
Troubleshooting by status
- What should I do if the status remains Download Initiated for more than three minutes in the Site24x7 Client On-Premise Poller list page?
It is recommended to restart the On-Premise Poller to synchronize the data.
- What should I do if the status remains Download in Progress for more than 1.5 hours?
Restart the On-Premise Poller to reinitiate the download process. Also, check the network download speed and verify the required domains for prerequisites.
- How do I enable the Synthetic (Browser) Module if the status is Disabled?
Follow these steps:
- Login to your Site24x7 account.
- Navigate to Admin > On-Premise Poller.
- Click the hamburger icon
next to the respective On-Premise Poller.
- Select Enable in the Synthetic (Browser) Module column.
- What should I do if the download fails?
Check the prerequisites mentioned to ensure all necessary requirements are met before retrying the download. If the download still fails, you can contact our support team.