Why are my resources not being discovered?

Why are my resources not being discovered?

When you cannot view the newly added Azure resources in your Azure monitor, you can check if Auto-discovery is disabled. If it is enabled, new resources will be added during auto-discovery.

Manual triggering
If your resource is not discovered, you can try manually rediscovering the resource by navigating to the Infrastructure/Inventory/Management Dashboard of the Azure monitor. Click the hamburger icon, and then click Discover Now.

Other cases

Below are some other possible reasons why your resources are not being discovered.

License inadequacy
If you are still unable to view the resource, check if you have the adequate license to add a resource monitor. Your Azure account and every Azure resource consumes one basic monitor each. Or, check if your license has expired.
If the monitor is a VM, it will consume two basic monitors.
Client Secret expiry
If the Client Secret has expired, you will not be able to view your resources. Check the Client Secret expiry date in the Microsoft Azure portal and also check for the client application and service principal permission on the Azure portal. Follow these steps to update the Client Secret.
Discovered but deleted
If your resource is added as a monitor but you had deleted it in Site24x7, you will not be able to view your resources. Here are the steps to check and re-add the deleted resources.
If you have used any tag-based filter to discover only a particular set of your resources, you might not be able to discover the other resources. Check for the tag-based discovery option. 
Resource-based filters
If a certain subscription, resource group, or resource type is not selected for monitoring in the Azure monitor Edit page (Cloud > Azure > Azure monitor > hamburger icon > Edit), the resources belonging to that particular subscription, resource group, or resource type will not be discovered.