What should I do if an Azure resource is not added?

What should I do if an Azure resource is not added?

If an Azure resource is not discovered/added in Site24x7, use the following steps: 

  • Check the Azure monitor configuration

    1. Navigate to the Infrastructure/Inventory/Management Dashboard of the Azure monitor for which you wish to add Azure Virtual Machine.

    2. Click the hamburger icon and then the Edit option, which gets you into the Edit Azure monitor page.

    3. On the Edit Azure monitor page, check if the corresponding Subscription, Resource group, and Service/Resource Type are selected.

    4. Ensure that the Include/Exclude Tags are given. If Exclude is selected, all the resources with the specified tags will be excluded from the resource discovery. If Include is selected, only the resources with the specified tags will be discovered. If no tag is given, then all the resources will be added for monitoring by default.   

    5. Check if Auto-discover New Resources is enabled. If it is disabled, new resources will not be added during auto-discovery and you have to trigger manual discovery by clicking the Discover Now option from the hamburger icon.

  • Check if the resource is in the Deleted List

    1. The previously added and deleted resources will not be re-added during discovery.

    2. To re-add those resources, navigate to the Management Actions tab, where you can find the deleted resource under Add Deleted Resources for Monitoring and click Add to add the resource or you can use the Bulk Action button to add multiple resources.

  • Check if the Custom App which was used to create the Azure monitor has access to the resource

    1. Navigate to the Azure Portal, go to the Resource page, and select Access Control (IAM) on the left pane. Click Role Assignments and check if your Custom Application is listed there.

    2. If your Custom App is not listed, click Add > Add role assignment. In the Add Role Assignment page, select the Role as Contributor/Reader, select User, Group, or Service Principle under the Assign Access to tab, and then select the Custom Application. Click Save. You can find the resource in the next discovery.

Related Links:

How to add an Azure monitor

List of Azure Services monitored by Site24x7

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