Install and configure an Oracle plugin in Windows
- Ensure that the Site24x7 Windows server monitoring agent is installed in the system where the Oracle instance is running.
- Ensure python3 is installed in the system and add it to the Windows path.
Refer to the link below for adding python3 to the Windows path:
- The module cx_Oracle requires a Visual Studio C++ compiler. Before installing cx_Oracle, download and install the Visual Studio C++ build tools from the link below:
- Set the build path of Visual Studio in the PATH environment variable to load the required libraries so that the Visual Studio C++ compiler can interpret the cx_Oracle package.
Example path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build
- Install the cx_Oracle Python package using Command Prompt with the help of the command given below:
pip3 install cx_Oracle
- Grant the following permissions to the user:
"grant select_catalog_role to {username}"
"grant create session to {username}"
Plugin installation
- Download the required plugin files from our Oracle Full Stack Monitoring plugins repository on GitHub.
For example, if you want to add the OracleBlockingLocks plugin, download and OracleBlockingLocks.cfg.
- Once downloaded, update the configuration file (.cfg) for the downloaded plugin.
Instructions and details for the .cfg file are provided in the README file of the respective plugin.
For example, for the plugin OracleBlockingLocks, the .cfg file will look like the following:
log_type_name =None
Note: Update the <HOSTNAME>, <PORT>, <USERNAME>, and <PASSWORD> with the appropriate details.
After adding the configuration details in the .cfg file, create a folder with the same name as the .py and .cfg files, add the files to it, and move the folder containing the files into the Windows agent's Plugins directory:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\Plugins\
For example, for the OracleBlockingLocks plugin:
Create a folder named OracleBlockingLocks.
Put the and OracleBlockingLocks.cfg files into the OracleBlockingLocks folder.
Move the folder into the Windows agent's directory given below:
Windows -> C:\Program Files(x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\Plugins\OracleBlockingLocks
The agent will automatically execute the plugin within five minutes and send performance data to the Site24x7 data center.
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