FAQs on Unsubscribing Site24x7 emails

FAQs related to unsubscribing from Site24x7 emails

  1. How do I unsubscribe from Site24x7 transactional emails?

    Transactional mails are used to convey important information regarding the product and hence you cannot unsubscribe the mails.
    You can contact Account Contact to stop receiving alert emails. If you are the Super Admin you can disable alert emails for a particular user from the user management section. 
    1. Log into Site24x7.
    2.Navigate to 
    Admin > User and Alert Management Users & Alerts > click on the user > Alert Settings > uncheck Email option for all the alert types.
    Learn more about transactional mails from Site24x7.

  2.  What happens when I choose to unsubscribe any of the promotional emails that I have received?

    Once you opt to unsubscribe promotional emails from Site24x7, you will stop receiving promotional emails. Get to know what all are the promotional mails from Site24x7.

  3. Will I stop receiving alerts via other mediums like SMS, voice calls if I uncheck the  Email option in the Edit User form?

    No, this will not stop the alert messages sent through other communication mediums. To do that, please go to the Edit User form and uncheck that particular medium for all the alert types to stop receiving alerts.

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