Override services and processes with configuration template

Will the existing services/processes in my server be replaced with the ones added in a configuration template, during bulk association?

Yes, there is a possibility that the services/processes in your server monitor will be replaced with the ones in your configuration template.
Configuration Templates have been deprecated and replaced by Configuration Rules. The below use case applies only for templates and not for Configuration Rules. Please migrate to rules for continued functioning of this feature.
When will this occur?
While associating a configuration template to a server monitor, setting the option to Yes for "Override Discovered Services/Processes with the Selected Configuration Template" will replace the services/processes in that server with the ones added in the configuration template.

Use Case:
A user has 10 Windows servers, with each of the server having MySQL and Apache services marked up for monitoring. The user also has a configuration template named "Server Monitor", wherein services including MailService, DNS, assetexplorer have been auto discovered and Kaspersky and Netlogon have been added manually in the template. 

Problem Statement:
Now, the user wants to associate only the services in the "Server Monitor" template (MailService, DNS, assetexplorer, Kaspersky and Netlogon) to 6 of the existing server monitors.

If the user selects Yes for "Override Discovered Services/Processes with the Selected Configuration Template",
  • Only the MailService, DNS, assetexplorer, Kaspersky and Netlogonservices added in the configuration template will be monitored
  • The MySQL and Apache services under each of the server monitor will be deleted

If the user selects No for "Override Discovered Services/Processes with the Selected Configuration Template", the MySQL and Apache services under each of the server monitor and the MailService, DNS, assetexplorer, Kaspersky and Netlogon services added in the configuration template will be monitored.