Why are some of the options in my Tray Icon disabled?

Why are some of the options in my Tray Icon disabled?

Once the Windows agent is successfully installed, you can start, stop, restart the agent, bulk install, check connectivity and perform lot more actions using the Tray Icon.

However, in some cases, the start, stop, restart, bulk install, and proxy configuration options would appear disabled. This is because,
  • The user in which the tray icon process, Site24x7WindowsAgentTrayicon.exe runs will not have elevated permissions. [Check the User in the Task Manager]. 
  • The User Account Control (UAC) will be enabled for that machine.
Troubleshooting Steps:
  • Log in to the machine as an Admin user. This way, the tray icon process would automatically have the Admin user role.
  • Ensure the UAC is disabled for that server.
This would resolve the issue. In case the issue persists, mail us at support@site24x7.com.