Policy and permissions required by Site24x7 to access your AWS resources.

Policy and permissions required by Site24x7 to access your AWS resources.

You can grant Site24x7 access to your AWS account by either by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or by setting up a cross-account IAM role between your AWS account and Site24x7s AWS account. During this process, you'll be prompted to assign policies and permissions; these policies will determine the extent to which Site24x7 can access your AWS resources. Preferably, Site24x7 requires ReadOnly access to all the AWS resources that are currently supported for monitoring. This can either be accomplished by assigning the default ReadOnly policy document or by using the custom policy document created by Site24x7. Once attached the policy will get embedded into the IAM user or cross-account role you create.
Once done, paste the Secret Access Key and Access Key ID (generated during IAM user creation) or RoleARN (created during cross-account role setup) in the Site24x7 console to integrate your AWS account with Site24x7. Site24x7 will use the security credentials or RoleARN to authenticate the API calls, and the permissions will be used to authorize the Read actions.

To learn more about the various policies and permissions, please read our product documentation.