Common OAuth errors and solutions

What are the common OAuth errors and how to solve them?

While configuring OAuth,  here are a few errors that you might face. They are:


Invalid Redirect URI


While working on a web based client, you have to ensure that the redirect URI passed while authentication, is the same as the one given during registration. If the redirect uri is not the one given during registration, an invalid redirect uri error will be thrown. 


The redirect URI for Site24x7 is:  


For example: A user is working on a web based client and has given as the Redirect URI. 


But the Redirect URI provided during authentication is a different one. 


In this case, as the Redirect URI added during registration is different from the one provided later, an Invalid redirect uri error will be raised.

Invalid_redirect URI will also be thrown when self client app's client_id is used in web based apps authentication flow.



Invalid Code

For Self client, If you receive an invalid code while generating Refresh token, check whether the Grant Token has expired. If the Grant Token is expired, try to  generate a new Grant token and try again. For more details read our  API documentation.  

Invalid code will also be thrown, when web-based app's client_id is used to obtain refresh_token.  

OAuth Scope associated to the OAuth Access Token is disallowed. 


When the action you are trying to perform is not provisioned within the Scope that you have opted for during Grant token generation, an error message will be raised: "OAuth Scope associated to the OAuth Access Token is disallowed". Then you will have to verify the scopes again in the  API Help doc .


If the API doc you are trying to access is not available in the help doc, please check if you can achieve the same result by using a different API, if not please contact .

Invalid Client

If the error raised is Invalid client, then it may be due to two reasons:

  1.The client_id that is being passed is invalid. Please verify the client_id once again in

  2.It is possible that  you are not making the request to the correct Data Center. 

For example:

If you have registered your app in (EU domain) and you try to get the code from  (COM domain), an invalid_client error will be raised.




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