How to exclude specific AWS resources from being discovered?

How to exclude specific AWS resources from being discovered?

By default, Site24x7 automatically discovers and monitors all AWS resources mentioned in the policy statement. As an addition, if you want to monitor distinct resources in your production or test environment or limit the number of API calls to AWS, you can make use of our tag-based discovery support. Currently, Site24x7 supports three modes of tag based exclusion.

System defined tags: Use system attributes to filter AWS resources from discovery, at present support for two types of system attributes are there – Region and VPC ID. So any AWS resource launched in a specific region or attached to a particular VPC platform can be excluded by configuring the Region name or VPC ID in the Site24x7 console.

User defined tags: The metadata which you have assigned to various AWS resources can now be leveraged in the Site24x7 console to filter resources. All you have to do is configure the user defined custom tag key and value in the Site24x7 console.

Site24x7's custom tag: You can also tag your AWS resources individually or in bulk with the tag key "monitor_site24x7" and set its value to "false". The AWS resource with the said tag will be filtered from discovery.

Note: For Site24x7 to exclude these resources, you must configure the tags in the Site24x7 console before you initiate discovery. Setting new tags in the "edit AWS add monitor section" won't help you filter resources that are currently being monitored. For such a case, you will have manually suspend the said monitor from the Site24x7 console. 

For more information about tag based discovery and regex support, please read our product documentation.