Postman configuration for authorizing Site24x7 requests
For configuring Postman to use OAuth 2.0 authorizations, you will need a Client ID and Client Secret of a server-based client. If you already have one, you can skip Part I and directly move to Part II; else follow the steps below:
Part I: Creating Client ID and Client Secret

All examples in the document are based on the .com domain. You can change the DC Root endpoint of any example from .com to that of any DC you wish to access. Read our
api doc for more information.
- Go to and click Add Client to create a new one.
- Provide a name for the client and select the Type as Server-based Application. Fill in the rest of the form and click Create.
For example, the Homepage URL can be and the Authorized Redirect URI can be

The Client ID and Client Secret will be generated for the respective client. This is mandatory for completing the configuration.
Do not disclose the Client ID and Client Secret to anyone.
Part II: Configuring Postman
Once the Client ID and Client Secret are generated, please follow the steps below:
- Open Postman and create a new request.
- Go to Authorization (besides Params). Choose OAuth 2.0 as the Type from the drop-down.
Note: Ensure the authorization data is added to Request Headers and not Request URL. You can change this from the corresponding drop-down.
- If you have an access_token, you can use it to authorize your requests. Fill in the text box provided for Access Token as You can now send your requests with Postman with this OAuth configuration.
If you do not have an access_token yet, follow the steps below:
- Click on the Get New Access Token (beneath the text box provided for filling the access_token). Fill in the name for the token, the Client ID and Client Secret generated in the previous steps. Click on Request Token.
Note: The callback URL should be among the Authorized Redirect URL of the corresponding server-based application. The scopes vary with the API being called (for example: Site24x7.Admin.Create, Site24x7.Admin.Read etc.)
Callback URL:
Auth URL:
Access Token URL:

- Click on Accept for authorizing access to the information asked.

Note: In case you get the error ERROR_invalid_redirect_uri, check if the given Callback URL is atleast one among the Authorized Redirect URIs given during the creation of the server-based application client type (Refer Part I). - Click on Use Token to start using the token.

- Send to authorize your request with the new access token.