Calculating average availability and response time SLAs in Executive Summary SLA reports
Site24x7's Executive Summary SLA Report lets you gather comprehensive updates on availability and response time SLA targets achieved by individual monitors in your monitor group for a selected time period. You can additionally baseline your actual response time SLA data against a best-in-class response time value calculated by Site24x7's reporting engine.

Response time SLA is based on the average of the Success target for each monitor in that monitor group. Similarly, Availability SLA is based on the average of the actual availability SLA of each monitor in that group. Also, the average availability and response time SLA values of a monitor group is calculated based on data from
SLA configured monitors alone. Which means, if your monitor group has 10 monitors, where only 5 monitors have SLA targets associated to them; then the average SLA success target of each of these 5 monitors alone would be considered for the final SLA calculation.
Also, if a specific monitor in that group has more than one SLA associated to it, then only the value from the first configured SLA will be considered for the average calculation.
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