Recent Articles
Site24x7 Subscription - Business units
(This is for the reference of users who signed up before 2024) Site24x7's subscription model has a unique concept of Basic monitors and Advanced monitors, based on the type of monitors. It offers a set of Basic monitors, Advanced monitors, RUM ...
How to enable Kubernetes monitoring on clusters that have arm-based nodes
If you would like to add a Kubernetes monitor for your clusters that have arm-based nodes, ensure that you have followed the steps below: Download the latest site24x7-agent.yaml file from the Site24x7 web console. Replace the image name ...
Unable to use the latest features and the new metrics in Kubernetes
You need to upgrade your Site24x7 Kubernetes monitoring agent to derive the new metrics and use the latest features. To do this, follow the below steps: Download the latest site24x7-agent.yaml from the Site24x7 web console. Apply the YAML using the ...
Site24x7 Subscription
(This is for the reference of users who signed up before 2024) Our unique subscription model brings onboard a concept of basic monitors and advanced monitors based on the number of monitors. Each subscription plan offers a set number of basic ...
Bundled .NET and .NET Core agents in a single MSI
In APM Insight .NET agent version 6.8.0, the .NET and .NET Core agents have been bundled into a single MSI, enabling unified monitoring of both application types. Upgrade requirements for .NET Core agent 6.7 and below If you're using .NET Core agent ...