You can install the Linux monitoring agent in multiple machines in one go using any of the below bulk deployment methods: Chef Puppet SaltStack Ansible Remote Installation using SSH Using DigitalOcean Using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Install the ...
SNMP server monitoring Metrics such as CPU, Memory, and Disk utilization are collected via SNMP using the OIDs given below: Attribute OID CPU . Memory . Disk . Free Disk Space (MB) ...
In a few scenarios, when you try to download the Site24x7 Linux server monitoring agent installer, an SSL connection failure error message will display. Follow the instructions below based on your use case to fix this error. Prerequisite: For ...
Here is the list of log files generated by the Linux and Windows server monitoring agent. The log files are stored in the same directory where the agent source file is installed. By default they are at: For Linux : ...
Problem False positive alerts are being generated. Possible cause The monitoring system is down in some locations. The Website monitor might be configured for one location, such as Seattle, but may appear down when accessed from another location, ...