List of Selenium commands supported in Web Transaction (Browser) - Selenium WebDriver
Site24x7's Web Transaction (Browser) - Selenium WebDriver supports the following Selenium commands: - answerOnNextPrompt
- assertAlert
- assertConfirmation
- assertLocation
- assertPrompt
- assertText
- assertTextPresent
- assertTextNotPresent
- assertTitle
- check
- checkAndWait
- chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation
- click
- clickAndWait
- close
- closeAndWait
- contextMenu
- doubleClick
- doubleClickAndWait
- focus
- focusAndWait
- mouseOver
- mouseOverAndWait
- open
- openAndWait
- pause
- select
- selectAndWait
- selectFrame
- selectWindow
- sendKeys
- sendKeysAndWait
- setTimeOut
- setSpeed
- setSpeedAndWait
- type
- typeAndWait
- typeKeys
- typeKeysAndWait
- uncheck
- uncheckAndWait
- verifyLocation
- verifyText
- verifyTextPresent
- verifyTextNotPresent
- waitForElementPresent
- waitForPageToLoad
- waitForPopUp
- waitForFrameToLoad