Server Resource Check Monitoring
Troubleshooting steps if a resource check is not added or when no alerts are received when a check fails
Common points to be remembered: Ensure the option Alert when a resource check fails is set to Yes in the associated server's threshold profile to trigger a TROUBLE alert for the configured check. Check if you have sufficient licensing. The total ...
Can I set up an event log check to be alerted when a new user account has been created on our servers?
Yes, you will be instantly notified when a new user is created on any of your servers by adding an event log check. Please follow the below steps: Provide a display name for identification purposes Mention the below specifications for the following ...
How File Added check works
Working Principle: When a file availability check is added and the specified file is created or deleted, the resource check status will move to Down and an alert will be sent to the user. If the specified file is already present in the folder ...
Troubleshooting steps when the directory check does not work for large number of files or folders
Monitor your directories using the Directory file added/deleted resource check. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > Server Monitor > Resource Check Profile > Create Resource Check Profile > Directory Checks > File Added/Deleted. In case the ...
How does the event log monitoring work?
Event log monitoring is crucial to track specific events across all Windows devices in a unified console. Add event log checks to your Windows server and start monitoring them. Watch a quick video to know how to set it up. When the particular event ...
Bulk modify Syslog/Eventlog preferences
Please follow the steps below to upgrade your server monitoring agent for multiple servers in one go: Log in to your Site24x7 account. Go to Admin > Inventory > Bulk Action. Click on Modify Server Syslog/Event Log Preference. Filter the monitors that ...
Resource checks that support monitoring of remote and shared disk partition
Please note that most of the file and directory resource checks might not work when you are trying to monitor remote and shared disk partitions. This is due to the restrictions in the Linux subsystem "inotify" while listening for disk access events ...
Alert settings to stay notified when a resource check fails
An alert is raised when a resource check fails and the monitor status is changed from Up to Trouble. This happens only if the Alert when a resource check fails option is set to Yes in the associated server threshold profile. To set that option, Log ...
Subdirectory Availability and File Availability Checks
The subdirectory check is used to monitor all the sub directories within a monitored directory. The user has the option to monitor all the sub directories or a particular sub directory [subdirectory name supports regular expressions] under the ...
Perform content check on your servers
Content check is used to search a file for some text/content. The file content check will alert the user in case a specified string occurs in the file being monitored. Upto two strings can be configured under one check. The strings support regular ...
Regular expressions for files and directories
Regular expressions are texts with special notations that help describe patterns in string. Regular expressions describe patterns which are used to search strings for matches. File name fields support regular expressions and only the directory path ...
URL Check
URL check is used to monitor URL's on the local machine where a server monitor is installed. The check fails when the configured URL is not available. Only local URLs can be monitored. The local URLs can be configured in the following ways. ...
Edit/delete a resource check profile
To edit a resource check associated with your server, please follow the below mentioned steps: Navigate to Resource > Edit Resource Check Profile Click on the resource check to be edited Make the changes Click Save To delete a resource check ...
Add the same/different resource check profiles to various servers in one go
A resource check profile can be associated with any number of server monitors. This cuts down the hassle of configuring resources for each server monitor one by one. To associate a profile with multiple servers in one go, please follow the below ...
Licensing for resource checks
The default limit on the total number of resources (checks) that can be associated with a profile is 25. You can create up to 500 resource check profiles in total. However, only one resource check profile can be associated with a server monitor at ...
Different types of resources/checks that can be added and monitored
There are 14 different types of resource checks in total. They allow you to monitor: Ports URLs Windows event log Linux syslog File access File modification File Content File Size File Permissions change Directory size Directory access Directory ...
Monitor resources on my server
Please follow the below steps to associate a resource check profile with your server monitor. Download and install a Windows or a Linux Server Monitoring agent on your server. Once the monitor has been added, click on the monitor and navigate to ...