AWS Monitoring
Understanding CloudWatch metrics cost calculation for AWS services
This document explains how the cost of CloudWatch metrics is calculated in AWS when retrieving data at a five-minute interval for multiple metrics over a month. Step-by-step cost calculation 1. Requests per metric When retrieving a metric at a ...
AWS Metric Profile - When new metrics or monitors are added.
CASE 1: When new metrics are added for services. Whenever new metrics are added for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) resource, they'll be automatically added to the existing Metric Profile created for an account. Let's consider the example of S3 buckets ...
Tag-based service discovery for AWS resources
While you integrate your AWS account with Site24x7, add tags that enable you to control which AWS resource must get discovered and monitor them. Perform Include and Exclude tags operation simultaneously along with an OR/AND logic to filter the AWS ...
Define IP address conditions in AWS IAM policies for enhanced security.
Site24x7 makes programmatic calls to your AWS account using access keys (Secret Access Key and Access Key ID) or RoleARN to gather metrics of supported AWS resources, mentioned in the IAM policy document. For extra security, the user can define ...
How to provide ReadOnly access to your AWS resources via the AWS IAM console?
Grant access to your AWS account Site24x7 makes programmatic API calls to your AWS resources to collect performance metrics and metadata. For this to occur, you (AWS account holder) need to grant access and connect your AWS account with Site24x7. An ...
How to exclude specific AWS resources from being discovered?
By default, Site24x7 automatically discovers and monitors all AWS resources mentioned in the policy statement. As an addition, if you want to monitor distinct resources in your production or test environment or limit the number of API calls to AWS, ...
How to install the Linux agent on the EC2 instance?
When you launch an instance in Amazon EC2, you have the option of passing user data to the instance. You can pass two types of user data to Amazon EC2: Shell scripts and cloud-init directives. Download our Linux agent shell script ...
Policy and permissions required by Site24x7 to access your AWS resources.
For a comprehensive AWS infrastructure monitoring, Site24x7 needs to auto-discover all instances of various supported services currently running in your account. For this to happen, you need to authenticate and authorize Site24x7 to access your AWS ...
Troubleshooting host name overwrites of Linux EC2 instance, while adding a Linux server monitoring agent
You can monitor system level metrics of Linux EC2 instances by installing Site24x7's Linux server monitoring agent Once the agent is installed, the instance will be automatically added to your Site24x7 account. Please note that Site24x7 uses host ...