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Real User Monitoring (RUM) Licensing
RUM licensing is based on Pageviews. Site24x7 includes RUM in all the plans available. The number of Pageviews and Sites provided differs based on the plan. Please check the below list for more details. Plan type Plan includes Starter 100K RUM ...
Site24x7 Subscription
(This is for the reference of users who signed up before 2024) Our unique subscription model brings onboard a concept of basic monitors and advanced monitors based on the number of monitors. Each subscription plan offers a set number of basic ...
How do I monitor Ajax calls in my traditional web applications
In general, Ajax calls are monitored by default for Single Page Applications (SPA) in Real User Monitoring (RUM). To monitor Ajax calls in traditional web applications(though you have inserted the RUM script in the header/footer), kindly follow the ...
Site24x7 Real User Monitoring - Data collection
When you include Site24x7 RUM beacon script in your webpages, the following data are collected . All data that's being collected is in accordance with GDPR compliance . Performance details of webpage load time - Metrics like response time of ...
Site24x7 Subscription - Business units
(This is for the reference of users who signed up before 2024) Site24x7's subscription model has a unique concept of Basic monitors and Advanced monitors, based on the type of monitors. It offers a set of Basic monitors, Advanced monitors, RUM ...