How to verify if the Site24x7 pods are created or are in running state?
Depending on the environment the Kubernetes cluster is running, please follow the steps below:
Azure Kubernetes Engine (AKE):
- Go to Azure cloud shell.
- To bind with the kube config file (if not already bound):
az aks get-credentials --resource-group {{resource_group_name}} --name {{cluster_name}} - To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
kubectl get cluster-info - To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS):
- Log in to the AWS console.
- To get inside the cluster:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region {{region_name}} --name {{cluster_name}} - To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
kubectl get cluster-info - To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE):
- Go to Google cloud shell.
- To get inside the cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name] --zone [cluster-zone] - To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
kubectl get cluster-info - To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
On Premise:
- Log into the master node terminal.
- To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
kubectl get cluster-info - To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.