Check if Site24x7 pods are created

How to verify if the Site24x7 pods are created or are in running state?

Depending on the environment the Kubernetes cluster is running, please follow the steps below:

Azure Kubernetes Engine (AKE):
  1. Go to Azure cloud shell.
  2. To bind with the kube config file (if not already bound):
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group {{resource_group_name}} --name {{cluster_name}}
  3. To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
    kubectl get cluster-info
  4. To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
    kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
    Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS):
  1. Log in to the AWS console.
  2. To get inside the cluster:
    aws eks update-kubeconfig --region {{region_name}} --name {{cluster_name}}
  3. To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
    kubectl get cluster-info
  4. To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
    kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
    Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE):   
  1. Go to Google cloud shell.
  2. To get inside the cluster:
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name] --zone [cluster-zone]
  3. To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
    kubectl get cluster-info
  4. To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
    kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
    Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.
On Premise:
  1. Log into the master node terminal.
  2. To verify if the cluster is properly connected:
    kubectl get cluster-info
  3. To install the agent in all worker nodes, apply the site24x7-agent.yaml file. Once applied, pods with the name prefix with 'site24x7-agent' will be created. Verify this using the below command:
    kubectl get pods --selector=app=site24x7-agent -o wide
    Check if the status is 'Running' in the above output.