Under what conditions will my monitor be declared as Trouble or Critical?
You can configure trouble or critcal alerts based on the conditions mentioned below:
Advanced Threshold Settings (Strategy):
Poll count serves as the default strategy to validate the threshold breach. You can also pick a relevant strategy to validate the threshold breach and determine the trouble or critical status for your monitor. Following are the various available strategies:
- Exceeds during poll count (number of polls): When the set threshold value is breached continuously for the ”Poll count”, monitor status changes to trouble
- Average value during poll count (number of polls): When the average of the attribute values, for the number of polls configured, exceeds the threshold value, monitor status changes to trouble
- Exceeds during time (in minutes): When the set threshold value is breached continuously, for all the polls, during the time duration configured, monitor status changes to trouble
- Average value during time (in minutes): When the average of the attribute values, for the time durationconfigured, exceeds the threshold value, monitor status changes to trouble.
To make sure your applied strategy 'Strategy: 3 - Time duration or Strategy: 4 - Average value during time duration' for threshold breach detection works as intended, you must ensure that you specify a time duration which is at least twice the applied check frequency for that monitor.
Multiple poll check strategy will not be applied by default. During conditions where no strategy can be applied, the threshold breach will be validated for a single poll alone.