What should I do when some of the screenshots for the real browser monitor are not clear?

What should I do when some of the screenshots for the real browser monitor are not clear?

To ensure that all the page elements are loading correctly while taking screenshots, you can try adding wait_for_element_presence and wait_for_element_visibility parameters for the pages where the screenshots are not clear. To make this change:
  1. Log in to Site24x7.

  2. Navigate to Home > Monitors.

  3. Click the monitor of your preference.

  4. On the Monitor Status page that opens, click the hamburger icon next to the monitor name and click Edit Web Script.

  5. In the script that opens, add the following lines with appropriate values above the page elements that aren't clear:

wait(<time in milliseconds>)
wait_for_element_presence(<element type>,<element name>,<maximum wait time in seconds>)
wait_for_element_visibility(<element type>,<element name>,<maximum wait time in seconds>)