Troubleshooting instructions for APM Insight Ruby agent

Steps to troubleshoot when you get NO DATA message for Ruby applications.

You may get NO DATA message for your APM Insight Ruby applications - the probable reasons are listed below with the corresponding troubleshooting instructions.

APM instance is UP but NO DATA message is received.
There is no traffic to your application.
Perform some transactions and check again in a couple of minutes. 

Your application must be using some unsupported frameworks and components. 
Kindly check the list of supported components and frameworks. If you are using an unsupported version, drop a message at
APM instance is in DOWN state and NO DATA message is received. 
Network issues - your application server might be behind the proxy. 
If your application server is behind proxy, provide proxy information in apminsight.conf file

Data communication may be inhibited due to Firewall restrictions. 
Kindly exclude Site24x7 IP's from your Firewall restrictions. 

Communication failure due to internal network issues. 
Check if is reachable from your agent machine. If you still see a NO DATA message, even after a successful connection to plusinsight domain, contact your network administrator to resolve the same. 

Your application server may be down due to various reasons. 
Restart your application and perform some transactions. 

'site24x7_apminsight'gem has been removed from your application dependencies - this may happen when you update or reset your application. 
Based upon your application framework, add the 'site24x7_apminsight' gem.