For Linux, it is suggested to start the On-Premise Poller as a service.
Use the command below to start the On-Premise Poller as a service:
/etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller start

If the error ./ Permission denied occurs while executing
/etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller start
use the command:
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/Site24x7OnPremisePoller
You can also stop, restart, uninstall, or get the running status of the service by using the commands below:
sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller stop
sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller restart
sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller uninstall
sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller status
If the service is not installed, you can install the service by navigating to the <poller_installed_directory> and running the file.
For example: /opt/Site24x7OnPremisePoller/
Common issues in starting the On-Premise Poller as a service
By default, the Bash script command will be used to run our script. If the Bash has issues, the script running the On-Premise Poller as a service will throw errors.
To fix the issue:
1. Edit the service script by running the command below:
sudo vi /etc/init.d/site24x7-onpremise-poller
2. Next, edit the lines below under the start(), stop(), and restart() functions:
./ & to sh &
./ & to sh &
3. Save the file.