How to configure alerts to be sent to different users for different servers

How to configure alerts to be sent to different users for different servers

Different server groups have different use cases and eventually, different directly responsible individuals (DRIs). An alert from a server should be directed to the proper DRI to ensure prompt action and minimized alert fatigue. With Site24x7, you can direct the alerts for a particular server or group of servers to be sent to the responsible personnel. 

Consider a use case. Zylker Corp has three servers—an app server named AppProduction, a database server named DBProduction, and a file server named DiskProduction. Each server has its own administrator responsible for its seamless functioning. The alerts from one server should not bother the other two administrators. Zylker was able to handle this with configuration rules and user alert groups. 

Zylker created three user alert groups named AppServer, DBServer, and FileServer with the respective administrators as the users. 

Then, via configuration rules, Zylker has set a rule that all servers with the name starting with App should be associated with the AppServer user profile. After clicking Save, all existing servers starting with the name App will be associated with the  AppServer user alert group, and any alerts related to this server will be sent only to the administrator under the AppServer user alert group. 

In the future, when Zylker adds more app servers, this rule will automatically associate the servers with name starting with App to the AppServer user alert group. This same strategy can be used for other servers and server groups.

Targeted alerts improve your IT infrastructure quality, reduce the mean time to repair (MTTR), and reduce alert fatigue.

To learn more about how configuration rules can enable zero-touch configuration in your IT infrastructure, here is a detailed blog on configuration rules. You can also check out these help documents for setting up configuration rules and user alert groups.
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