Service Health data collection in Microsoft 365 monitor

What should I do if Service Health data collection in Microsoft 365 monitor is not happening?

Your Microsoft 365 monitor's Service Health data collection may have stopped because of the recently updated Microsoft 365 Service Communications API policy.

Follow the steps below if Service Health data collection in your Microsoft 365 monitor is not happening on your application:

If you have authenticated the Microsoft 365 monitor with a Custom App: 

  • Log in to the Microsoft Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Active Directory section.

  • Click on App Registrations > All Applications and select the application for which you have added Microsoft 365 monitor in your Site24x7 account.

  • Go to API Permissions under Manage and grant the following additional Application permissions to Microsoft Graph API:

    • ServiceHealth.Read.All

    • ServiceMessage.Read.All

To grant the API permission:

  • Click Add a Permission > Microsoft Graph and then select Application Permissions in the Request API Permissions page.

  • Select ServiceHealth.Read.All and ServiceMessage.Read.All from the Select Permissions drop-down.

  • Then, click Add permission.

  • After adding permissions, ensure that you grant Admin Consent to the permissions added.

You also need to edit by clicking the hamburger icon near the monitor and update the monitor in your Site24x7 account and save the settings in order to delete the old access token.
Now, you will be able to get the Service Health data collection in your Microsoft 365 monitor. 

If you have authenticated the Microsoft 365 monitor with a Site24x7 App:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.

  2. Navigate to Server from the left navigation pane and select Microsoft 365 from the drop-down.

  3. Choose a resource for which you have added Microsoft 365 monitor in your Site24x7 account.

  4. Click the hamburger icon  and then Edit, which will bring you to the Edit Microsoft 365 Monitor page.

  1. Under the Authenticate with the Site24x7 App section, you will find Monitor Microsoft 365 Reports. Click the edit access icon near the Access Granted tab. This will open the Microsoft 365 Login Window.

  1. Log in to your Microsoft account and then select Accept to grant access again for the new permission changes to reflect in the existing monitor.

  1. Click Save to save your settings on the Edit Microsoft 365 Monitor page.

Now, you can view the Service Health data from the Summary tab and the Service Health tab of the Office 365 monitor.