To support Web Transaction (Browser) monitor on an On-Premise Poller, you can execute the following command in the terminal to install packages in CentOS 7.0 to 7.8 or in RHEL 7.x. Note: The Installation is supported only on 64-bit OS. Execute the ...
To ensure that all the page elements are loading correctly while taking screenshots, you can try adding wait_for_element_presence and wait_for_element_visibility parameters for the pages where the screenshots are not clear. To make this change: Log ...
The MFA option is available only for applications that use time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs) as a two-factor authentication (2FA) method. In Site24x7, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is used for Web Transaction (Browser) monitors and SaaS ...
Maximum number of steps that can be recorded and monitored through RBM is 20. The limit is set to provide optimal polling frequency and performance as the maximum data collection time of a transaction should not exceed 165 seconds. When you ...
On-Premise Poller can be installed and used as a monitoring location for your Web Transaction (Browser) and Webpage Speed (Browser). Refer to this document for the prerequisites for supporting On-Premise Poller in Web Transaction (Browser) and ...