Why is the PostgreSQL individual database monitor shown as down even though that database is up in my instance?

Why is the PostgreSQL individual database monitor shown as down even though that database is up in my instance?

If your PostgreSQL individual database monitor shows as down in Site24x7 but the database is active (up) in your instance, verify that if you have given the necessary permissions for the database user to access that specific database. Refer to our help page for database user creation details.

The following permission is essential for Site24x7 to connect to the database. Grant the necessary Connect permission to the database to continue monitoring:
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE <database_name> to site24x7;


GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE postgresqldb1 to site24x7;

Also, ensure that all the prerequisites on our
PostgreSQL monitoring help page are met.

If the issue still persists, zip all the agent logs and send the file to
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