Why is my monitor in Trouble state when the associated On-Premise Poller is Down?

Why is my monitor in Trouble state when the associated On-Premise Poller is Down?

Monitors are by default pushed to Trouble state when the associated On-Premise Poller goes Down.

You can update this by navigating to Admin > On-Premise Poller > On-Premise Pollers.
From the list of On-Premise Pollers, click on the hamburger icon next to the desired On-Premise Poller and click Edit.

In the Edit On-Premise Poller page, you will view the option Status of the Associated Monitors when the On-Premise Poller is Down. Here Trouble will be chosen, by default. You can update the settings and save them. Based on this, your monitor status will be updated. Refer here for more.

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