How to manually install the AppLogs agent

How to manually install the AppLogs agent

The AppLogs agent is used to automatically discover and upload your server and application logs to Site24x7. Site24x7's AppLogs agent works with an existing Site24x7 server monitoring agent and comes with AppLogs installed. You can also manually install or reinstall (in case of issues) the AppLogs agent by following the steps below:

  1. If you have already installed the AppLogs agent, stop the Site24x7 Applog Agent service as an administrator. To accomplish this, navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel. Under Administrative Tools, click Services. You can also navigate to services.msc from Run.
    If you haven't installed the AppLogs agent, then you can directly go to step 3.
  2. Delete the Applogbin folder, if it exists. The path is
    64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\bin\Applogbin
    32 bit: C:\Program Files\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\bin\Applogbin
  3. Download the zip file (64 bit | 32 bit).
  4. Verify the checksum for the AppLogs agent mentioned in the section "Steps to validate checksum for Windows systems" of this document.
  5. After the successful checksum validation, extract the zip file mentioned in Step 3 into the path below:
    For 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\
    For 32 bit: C:\Program Files\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\
  6. Check if the Site24x7 Applog Agent service is present. If not, open Command Prompt as an administrator and execute the following command:
    sc create "Site24x7 Applog Agent" binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\bin\Applogbin\Site24x7ApplogAgent.exe"
  7. Start the Site24x7 Applog Agent service.
  1. If you have already installed the AppLogs agent, open a Terminal and stop the AppLogs agent by executing the command:
    sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7monagent stop 
    If not, go to step 5.
  2. Execute the following command to check if the Site24x7 process has been killed properly:
    ps aux | grep -i Site24x7
  3. If the AppLogs agent still runs, kill the process using the command:
    sudo kill -9 <process_id>
  4. Delete the /opt/site24x7/monagent/lib/applog folder, if it exists.
  5. Download the zip file (64 bit | 32 bit).
  6. Verify the checksum for the AppLogs agent mentioned in the section "Steps to validate checksum for Linux systems" of this document.
  7. After the successful checksum validation, extract the zip file mentioned in step 5 into /opt/site24x7/monagent/
  8. Start the agent by executing the command:
    sudo /etc/init.d/site24x7monagent start
Steps to validate checksum for Windows systems
  1. Open Command Prompt from your Windows machine.
  2. Execute the following command:
    For 32-bit: certutil -hashfile   SHA256
    For 64-bit: certutil -hashfile   SHA256
  3. Download the checksum file based on your architecture (64-bit | 32-bit).
Verify if the value returned in the Command Prompt and the value in the downloaded checksum file are the same.

Steps to validate the checksum for Linux systems
  1. Open the Terminal from your Linux machine.
  2. Execute the following command:
    For 32-bit: sha256sum
    For 64-bit: sha256sum
  3. Download the checksum file based on your architecture (64-bit | 32-bit).
Verify if the value returned in the Terminal window and the value in the downloaded checksum file is the same.
If the checksum values differ, do not unzip or open the file, and contact

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