Requirements to write a Windows plugin using DLL
Please make sure the following requirements are met to successfully write a Windows plugin using DLL:- Plugin must be written in C# (.NET framework 3.0 and above)
- The output of the script should be in JSON format
- Mandatory variables to be present in a class:
- Version: When there is any change in the version, the Site24x7 data center updates the template and creates a new template for that version. The default value is 1. If any change is done in the plugin, user must increment the version by 1. version should be whole numbers only. E.g. 1,2,3
- Heartbeat: Alerts the plugin as down, when no data is received from the plugin by the Site24x7 data center. Value for heartbeat should be either true or false. By default, the value for heartbeat is true
- The properties Version, DisplayName and Heartbeat will return a string object
- Mandatory functions to be present in a class:
- The class file must have DataCollect() method which will return a Directory<string, object>
- Optional variables to be present in a class:
- DisplayName: name of the monitor as displayed in the web client. For eg: if you create a plugin called "Site24x7 user", your plugin class should have a display name whose return value must be "Site24x7 user"
- The class file can also have a Units() method, a key value pair with keys as the name of the attributes monitored in the plugin and the values as their respective units. This will return a Directory<string, object>
- msg : The configured error message would show up in the Site24x7 web client if the monitor is down. This attribute should be placed parallel to the data attribute
To know more on how to write a Windows plugin using DLL and view a sample plugin file,
refer here.
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