Managing Node.js applications using PM2 Process Manager
Follow the instructions below to configure PM2 to manage Node.js applications.
Steps to configure PM2
- Configure the processManagerEnabled key in the already created apminsightnode.json file.
- Pass the value as true.
"licenseKey" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"appName" : "appName",
"port" : 3000,
"processManagerEnabled" : "true"
- Restart your Node.js application.

- The above configuration is only available for Node.js agents (v2.5.1 and above).
- In general, the process manager PM2 (version 2.0) is compatible with the APM Insight Node.js agent.
How Site24x7 handles the processes started by PM2
- Each process started by PM2 is treated as a separate instance in Site24x7.
- The instance's name is displayed as hostname:PM2_ID rather than hostname:port_number.
For example: In the below screenshot, the three processes that are started using PM2 are displayed as zylker-0193:1, zylker-0193:2, and zylker-0193:3, where zylker-0193 is the hostname, and 1, 2, and 3 are the corresponding PM2_IDs.

- Port number is the same for all instances. Hence, PM2_ID is used to differentiate them.
- Each instance started by PM2 is treated as a separate APM instance and requires its own advanced monitor license.
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