How does Site24x7 detect the network interface status of a Linux server?

How does Site24x7 detect the network interface status of a Linux server?

Site24x7's Linux server monitoring agent checks the network interface status of your server using the below command:
/bin/cat /sys/class/net/<interface_name>/operstate

This command has three possible outputs:
  1. Up - Indicates that data transfer is happening through this interface.
  2. Down - Indicates that data transfer is not happening through this interface.
  3. Unknown - Some drivers do not report link state, usually due to hardware limitations. In these cases, the state is shown as Unknown.
It is important to note that Site24x7 does not use the ifconfig command (example: ifconfig -a ). This is because the ifconfig command only states whether the network interface has a connection or not and doesn't state whether there is any data transfer happening through that interface.