Licensing for Kubernetes Monitoring

Licensing for Kubernetes monitoring

 The main Kubernetes cluster is considered one basic monitor. For the other components, the licensing is done as follows: 

1 monitor consumes two basic licenses
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
Horizontal Pod Scaler (HPA)
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
5 monitors consume one basic license
Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
5 monitors consume one basic license
Persistent Volumes (PV)
5 monitors consume one basic license
ConfigMaps, Endpoints, and Ingress
Free license 

For example, consider a Kubernetes set up having 5 nodes, 200 pods, 51 deployments, 53 ReplicaSets, 40 DaemonSets, and 200 containers. This would consume a total of 121 basic monitors. The split-up will be like the following:
  1. The main Kubernetes cluster - one basic monitor
    1. 5 nodes - 10 basic monitors
    2. 200 pods - 40 basic monitors
    3. 51 deployments - 11 basic monitors
    4. 53 ReplicaSets - 11 basic monitors
    5. 40 DaemonSets - 8 basic monitors 
    6. 200 containers - 40 basic monitors 



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