Monitor parameters in SQL queries | APM Insight

APM Insight provides information on the parameters it sends to the SQL queries

The parameters in slow SQL queries can be tracked and displayed under the traces tab.

We have the option to obfuscate the values of SQL query parameters using a configuration Obfuscate SQL Parameters. It will be enabled by default. The screenshot below shows the configuration for parameterizing the SQL queries.

Please find the below screenshots for both inline SQL queries and stored procedure calls. 

When the option is enabled, the parameter values will be obfuscated as given below:   
  1. SQL inline query with obfuscated parameter values

  1. SQL stored procedure with obfuscated parameter values

When the option is disabled, the parameter values will not be obfuscated as given below:

  1. SQL inline query without obfuscating the parameter values

  1. SQL stored procedure without obfuscating the parameter values


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Top Phrases/Keywords used: Obfuscate SQL parameters, configuration profile, SQL query parameters, Site24x7 server, query strings, APM transactions, APM Insight monitor, Edit APM Agent configuration profile, obfuscate sensitive data, SQL details in APM, PII accidentally exposed.

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