Alert for server availability

Is it possible to alert the user only for server availability?

Yes, it is possible to be alerted only for server availability and not for all the other performance attributes by creating a threshold profile with all the fields empty.

Let us consider a use case:

A user has the Windows agent installed in a Windows server and wishes to monitor only if the server is up and internet connection to it is up. The user does not wish to receive alerts on any of the performance attributes like CPU, memory usage or Windows services etc.  

  1. In the Monitor Details page, under Configuration Profiles, click the (+) icon beside Threshold and Availability
  2. Remove the values specified for CPU, Memory, Disk utilization, Windows specific and Linux specific attributes. Leave all the fields empty.
  3. Select No for Notify when process/service is down and Generate a trouble alert when a resource check fails.
  4. Save the changes.
Even with the threshold values removed and the above options set to No, Site24x7 will trigger an alert if the Windows server monitoring agent installed on the server is not communicating with our servers (or lost internet connectivity) or the agent service is stopped.