Status of your account after migration to Single Sign On

Status of my account after migration to Single Sign On if I have the same email address for both my Zoho and Site24x7 accounts

Case 1: You are the Admin of Site24x7 account

After successful migration to Single Sign On, you can use the same email ID to log in to your Site24x7 account. The password will be the same as that of your existing Zoho account. You will receive a mail from with these details. 

Case 2: You are a sub-user of a Site24x7 account

If you are a sub-user under a Site24x7 account, we won't automatically add your email address to your company's Site24x7 account because it might affect the privacy of your existing personal account with However, if you would like to have access to the Site24x7 account with the same email, you can request access from the administrator of the Site24x7 account. The administrator will in turn invite you to join the Site24x7 Organization in Zoho. 

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