How to monitor applications with MFA using a TOTP
The MFA option is available only for applications that use time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs) as a two-factor authentication (2FA) method. In Site24x7, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is used for Web Transaction (Browser) monitors and SaaS Synthetics (Browser) monitors. To enable monitoring for an application with MFA using a TOTP, copy the secret key for your account from the application’s website and add it to the recorder or the monitor page.
How does MFA work using a TOTP?
MFA is the practice of adding a layer of security to the standard username- and password-based authentication. It employs a TOTP as a mechanism for authentication, which provides an added degree of protection to the online account login process. With a TOTP, a security code is generated as an authentication token.
How to get the secret key
This option is supported only if the application uses TOTPs, a type of 2FA mechanism that relies on a mobile app like Google Authenticator or similar apps like OAuth or Microsoft Authenticator.
To monitor an application with MFA using a TOTP, you can copy your account's secret key from the application and paste it into Site24x7's Secret Key text box.
Web Transaction (Browser) monitor
Adding a global parameter
- Log in to Site24x7.
- To add the secret key as a parameter, navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Global Parameters. On the Global Parameters page, click the Add Parameters button. In the pop-up that opens, enter the MFA secret key as the Parameter Value.
- Click Save.
Setting the global parameter
- Log in to Site24x7.
- Under Add Monitor, choose the Web Transaction (Browser) monitor.
- Enter the Base URL and Device Type and click Start Recording.
- When recording your workflow, if you are prompted to enter the TOTP, right-click the field where you need to enter the TOTP.
- Select Site24x7 Web Transaction (Browser) Recorder from the list of options.
- Choose Set TOTP Key, and then choose the name of the global parameter you've created for the secret key.
- Now, you can record the steps in the transaction and click the Save button.
SaaS Synthetics (Browser) monitor
- Log in to Site24x7.
- Under Add Monitor, choose the SaaS Synthetics (Browser) monitor.
- Paste the Secret key that you got from the SaaS application.
- Click the Save button.
Site24x7 processes this secret key and stores it in an encrypted format. It uses the secret key to generate a six-digit code and use it. This encrypted code is retrieved each time data collection occurs and is used to log the SaaS application or website.