Disable tray icon

How to disable the Tray icon?

Once the Windows agent is installed, a Tray icon appears in the Quick Launch bar. To disable the Tray icon, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Start  > All Programs Site24x7 Windows monitor > Double click Tray Icon (or) the user can also go to the installation folder (<installationfolder>\monitoring\conf\scripts\StartGroup\) and double-click the file "TrayIcon.bat".
  2. A dialog box will appear asking for a confirmation to disable the Tray icon.
  3. Click OK.

Note: To enable the Tray icon, go to Start  > All Programs >  Site24x7 Windows monitor > Double click Tray Icon or
go to
<installationfolder>\monitoring\conf\scripts\StartGroup\ > Double-click the "TrayIcon.bat".