Add a deleted instance

How to add a PHP instance that was deleted earlier

For agent versions 4.0 and above

For every instance, there will be a corresponding configuration file present inside the conf folder of the S247DataExporter installation path. Delete the appropriate configuration file and restart the S247DataExporter (Linux | Windows) to re-add the deleted instance.
Do not delete the configuration.json file.
Please find the default conf folder paths below:
Linux: /opt/S247DataExporter/conf
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\S247DataExporter\conf

For agent versions below 4.0

  1. Delete the instance.out file from the following path:
    rm /opt/zpa/bin/instance.out

  2. Edit the apminsight.conf file in /opt/zpa/conf/ to rename the application name by editing the following line:
    #Logical name of your application

  3. Restart the PHP agent service in /opt/zpa/bin by using the following command:
    sh restart
  1. Delete the instance.out file from the APM Insight installation directory. By default, this is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\bin\.

  2. Edit the apminsight.conf file located in the installation directory to rename the application name. By default, this is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\APM Insight PHP Agent\zpa\conf\.

  3. Restart the APM Insight PHP Agent Windows service.

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