Global Benchmark and Monitor Group Performance Reports

How are the average values calculated in Global Benchmark Report and Monitor Group Performance Report?

Response time data in a Monitor Group Performance report and Monitor Group Global Benchmark Report is calculated using different logic. As a result, you may notice a slight deviation in the average values deciphered from these reports.

Monitor Group Performance Report
While generating a performance report for your monitor group, Site24x7's reporting engine utilizes RAW average values of the individual monitor(s) in the group. For generating the average value of individual monitor, Site24x7's reporting engine uses the actual poll count for that monitor. After calculating the individual averages, then cumulative monitor average is calulated.

Monitor Group Global Benchmark Report

A Global Benchmark Report on the other hand combines the sum average (RAW average) of all the monitors of a particular type before calculating the average value. While calculating the final average, the cumulative sum average of individual monitor types is divided by the total poll count.

Let's see a practical example of how the average value is deciphered for Global Benchmark Report and Performance report.

Consider a sample monitor data from Monitor Group Zylker . Zylker group consists of four monitors, two website and two REST API monitors each. These are named URL1, URL2, RESTAPI 1, RESTAPI 2. The response time data in milliseconds, poll count for individual monitors and the average value is shown below;

Monitor Name
Response Times detected
(in milliseconds)
456, 765, 876, 456, 876
Cumulative Sum
Poll Count
Average Value

Monitor Name
Response Times detected
(in milliseconds)
436, 715, 1176, 256, 176
Cumulative Sum
Poll Count
Average Value

Website Monitor Cumulative Sum & Average:

Website Monitor cumulative sum= 6008 ms

Total poll count= 10

Website Monitor type average value= 600.8 ms

Monitor Name
Response Times detected
(in milliseconds)
456, 765, 876, 456
Cumulative Sum
Poll Count
Average Value

Monitor Name
Response Times detected
(in milliseconds)
156, 565, 476, 756
Cumulative Sum
Poll Count
Average Value

REST API Monitor Cumulative Sum & Average:

REST API Monitor cumulative sum= 4506 ms

Total poll count= 8

REST API Monitor type average value= 563.25 ms

 Performance Report calculation: (685.5 + 551.8 + 488.25 + 638.25) /4= 590.95 ms

 Global Benchmark Report calculation: 6008+4506)/18= 584.111 ms

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