How does resource termination settings work for Google Cloud (GCP) monitoring?
In the Add/Edit Google Cloud (GCP) Monitor page (Site24x7 > Cloud > GCP > Add GCP Monitor), the option Automatically Remove Terminated Resources under Resource Termination Settings lets you remove terminated resources (in Google Cloud Console) from monitoring in Site24x7. A time period can also be defined as to how long the terminated resources should be retained in the Site24x7 web client before permanent deletion.
Here's how this works:
- If you want to be alerted when a resource is terminated in Google Cloud Console, toggle No in the Mute Resource Termination Alerts field.
- If you want to suspend the monitors associated to the resources you have terminated in Google Cloud Console, toggle No in the Monitor Terminated Resources field.
- If this field is set to Yes, monitoring will continue and the resource will be marked as "DOWN".
- If you want to delete the monitors associated with the resources you have terminated in Google Cloud Console, toggle Yes in the Automatically Remove Terminated Resources field. Setting 0 in the Remove Terminated Resources After field will delete the associated monitors in the next data collection (5 minute cycle).
- To set a delay before the monitor is deleted, enter a value greater than 0.

Monitors deleted from Site24x7 due to termination from Google Cloud Console will not be available for re-adding in Management Actions (Site24x7 > Cloud > GCP > Google Cloud monitor drop-down > Management Actions).